Friday, February 13, 2009

Back again!

So I have been gone for awhile. Between the holiday and moving into our new apartment I feel like I haven't stopped. So an update of what has happened since I've last talked.

1) I started Culinary Arts school at TCC
2) Savannah had her 15 month check-up and is officially in the 90th percentile
(which means only 10% of kids her age are taller and weigh more than her)
3) Steven went on overnights. Which is no fun whatsoever.
4) We moved into our new apartment. I love having all of my furniture and things back!

So as you can see we have been somewhat busy lately. It's made me realize that we need to set time aside to spend with our family. No matter what is going on you have to say put it down and go outside and play or sit and play a game or whatever just do it. So we have decided that every day there will be a little bit of time where Savannah is the focus of our attention and we all just hang out and have fun!